D.E. Edwards was born in the vast tundra of Michigan. Growing up, he drew pictures of his D&D characters and read as many novels as he could, especially sci-fi and fantasy. A love for exploring the worlds trapped within the marked pages at the bookstore captivated him and he could often be found wandering the aisles in search of a new book. Whether by the paint brush or the written word, he is driven by the need to create. These days he works as a marketer and designer, while writing fiction at night. He lives in Florida with his wife, a bird named Deco and a cat, Kenobi, whom his wife can’t stop taking photos of. He hates, possibly despises, writing about himself, even more so in the third person. It’s a weird feeling for him.

D.G. Bigelow was born in the deserts of Arizona. He traveled frequently in his youth, from the Southwest, to the Northeast, to the Midwest, then to the Southeast. He was very fortunate to meet many different and amazing people along the way, all with very colorful stories to tell. Impacted by great storytellers and comedians, he developed a great love and respect for a good story. After freezing his butt off for many years in the Northeast and Midwest, he immigrated to South Florida. Now he runs several businesses, while working with his best friend in the evening to create a great collection of stories, hopefully worth re-telling. Like Edwards, Bigelow does not enjoy writing about himself, and finds doing so in the third person is very strange.
